Fortnite Battle Royale received the v23.30 update on Tuesday, January 31. The update has brought several new features to the popular video game, but the most significant addition is another Dragon Ball collaboration.
The first such collab was released in August 2022 during Chapter 3, Season 3. Players had a blast with it and loved the released cosmetic items, which is why Epic Games decided to bring the collaboration back.
However, there is one problem with the Dragon Ball crossover. It has brought back the Kamehameha Mythic ability, yet Epic Games did not vault Deku’s Smash. The combination of these two Mythic items makes the game chaotic, and it will be interesting to see if Epic will do something about it.
Note: This article reflects the author’s opinion.
Fortnite players can use two anime Mythic abilities

As soon as Epic Games released Fortnite Chapter 4, players spotted Deku from “My Hero Academia” in its trailer. The popular anime character was seen at the end of the trailer using a special ability.
Epic released the anime character on December 16, making it available for purchase in the Item Shop. Besides the character, the video game developer released Deku’s Smash, a devastating new Mythic ability.
Many players complained about Deku’s Smash power, and there were a couple of bugs with it, which is why Epic vaulted it shortly after its release. However, the Mythic item was eventually re-released and is still in the game.

As players were getting used to countering Deku’s Smash Mythic ability, Epic Games decided to unvault Kamehameha. This is another Mythic ability that is very powerful, and many Fortnite players struggle to counter it.
Many believed Epic would vault Deku’s Smash with the release of another Fortnite x Dragon Ball collaboration. Unfortunately, this did not happen, and players must deal with two powerful abilities.
It will be interesting to see if the Fortnite developer will vault Deku’s Smash soon. There is a chance that Epic forgot to vault it, making the video game even more chaotic than before.
How to counter Deku’s Smash and Kamehameha?

Countering Kamehameha and Deku’s Smash can be challenging for new players, but Fortnite veterans shouldn’t have issues with this. Both Mythic abilities need to be charged up, which is when you should counter them.
Charing these abilities takes three or more seconds when players who use them are left exposed and vulnerable. Considering how much damage both Deku’s Smash and Kamehameha do, the most intelligent way to counter them is to prevent players from using them on you.

Both Mythic abilities lift players off the ground, which makes it even easier to take them down. If you are close to players who use Deku’s Smash or Kamehameha, use a Submachine Gun to take them down. Otherwise, use an Assault Rifle.
Even the Common (Gray) variant of a Submachine Gun deals 176 damage per second, which makes it perfect for countering the two Fortnite Mythic abilities. The lowest rarity of an Assault Rifle deals 165 damage per second.
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