Genshin Impact 3.4’s Spiral Abyss could be challenging for some casual players, especially Floor 12. The tips in this article should be of great assistance to Travelers seeking to get all nine stars from Floor 12. Some bits of advice will be obvious to veteran hardcore players, yet it should still be something everybody considers.
This listicle is primarily about Genshin Impact 3.4’s Spiral Abyss. Some tips will be relevant in future patches, just not as much as they are in this version update. The main goal is to be efficient and figure out how to get nine stars on your account for the maximum number of Primogems.
Note: This article is subjective and solely reflects the opinions of the writer
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Utilizing the Blessings and other tips to help players clear Floor 12 of Genshin Impact 3.4’s Spiral Abyss with nine stars
1) Take advantage of invincibility frames
There are two main ways to get invincibility frames in Genshin Impact 3.4’s Spiral Abyss:
- Using Elemental Bursts
- Starting a dash
The first method should be obvious to most players, but the second might be more niche. However, knowing when to start a dash can greatly reduce the need to rely on shields or heals to survive Floor 12.
For example, one Maguu Kenki attacks once nearly every 10 seconds. Timing your dash to be completely impervious to its move can be life-saving. It’s something that requires a bit of practice but is a skill that all good players should learn.
2) Try to group the enemies together when applicable
Some of Floor 12’s more strenuous bouts can be completed quickly if you simply group all the foes together. For instance, the triple Maguu Kenki half has three formidable enemies, so running towards one and trying to attract the other two can let your AoE attacks hit all three quite easily.
Some Anemo-based CC is also great for grouping up Whopperflower and Eremites chambers. If everything dies together fairly quickly, you’re more likely to get nine stars from Genshin Impact 3.4’s Spiral Abyss.
3) Utilize the Blessings
Blessings of the Abyssal Moon is a feature that heavily incentivizes players to use certain characters. For example, the one released on February 1, 2023, has the following effect:
“The Dendro RES and Electro RES will be decreased by 30% for opponents that are under the Quickened state. This effect will be removed 2s after the Quickened state ends.”
Ergo, it would be logical to focus on using Dendro and Electro characters since enemies will become more vulnerable to them. In this example, a weaker Dendro and Electro RES means you can clear the content faster, which results in an easy nine stars on Floor 12.
Genshin Impact 3.4’s Spiral Abyss will have different Blessings on February 16, 2023, and March 1, 2023. Make sure to follow a similar principle for those changes.
4) Look up people’s videos using teams you plan on using
This tip might seem obvious to some players, but it’s one that’s absolutely worth reiterating. Genshin Impact 3.4 is incredibly popular, meaning that there are hundreds to thousands of players uploading videos of their Spiral Abyss Floor 12 runs.
Chances are, at least one of them is using teams full of characters you own. For example, the above video uses nothing but 4-stars and the Traveler to get the maximum number of stars. If you’re a F2P player, this type of research should greatly aid you in clearing this content.
5) Improve your characters’ Talents, artifacts, etc.
A good team comp is only one ingredient in the recipe for success. Genshin Impact 3.4’s Spiral Abyss can be challenging for some players, primarily because their characters aren’t built well. If your DPS unit does too little damage, you might need a better weapon and artifacts.
Getting nine stars on Floor 12 is only possible if your characters can consistently defeat all the enemies before the time limit expires. Make sure to get the ideal artifact sets for your team and that the artifacts have good stats on them.
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